Sports Therapy focuses on injury prevention and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries that occur during the sport of physical activities.
What is Sports Therapy?
The five principles of evaluation, treatment, prevention, performance, and education are critical to the success of my clients. I use a combination of sport and exercise science, movement science, hands-on treatments, and recovery treatments to help return you to the sport and activity you love.

Why Me?
I have specialization in the treatment and prevention of orthopedic and sports-related injuries accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association, with expertise in the management of athletic injuries, including acute care, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention, and education. I combine physical therapy sessions with Neurovision Performance sessions, bringing together clinical expertise, state-of-the-art sports performance equipment and technology, and a results-oriented approach.
What I offer:
Physical Therapy focused on Sports Specific Training
1 on 1 treatment sessions
Virtual and On-Site options
Blood Flow Restriction (BFR)
Graston/ASTYM technique (GT)
Athletic/Kinesio/Dynamic Taping
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
Rapid Release/Hypervolt percussive therapy
Game Ready
Recovery Programs
The Sports Therapy Programs
ACL Injury Prevention Program
ACL Return to Play Program
Hip Labral Repair Return to Play Program
Spine Injury Return to Play Program
Foot/ankle Reconstruction Return to Play Program
Thrower & Overhead Athlete Program
UCL Return to Throwing Program
Concussion Return to Play Program (combined with our State-of-the-Art Neurovision Technology)
Sports & Human Performance Program driven by Neurovision’s brain & vision training programs. www.neurovision-med.com
Sports Therapy benefits:
My performance programs can benefit those who want to take their training to the next level, prevent injury, or get back on the field. I offer both virtual and on-site programs.
Schedule your appointment at Ph. (310) 331-8544 or email. assistant@hamptonmpt.com
I would be glad to start with your one-on-one rehab therapy program.